Spring Flower Salad

Spring flowers are blooming and we are feeling inspired! Bring the fresh colors of the season to your salad with edible flowers – they add a pop of color to your organic greens and create a truly irresistible presentation. For a light, delicious lunch or starter course, try pairing with a crisp white wine, like our Sauvignon Blanc.

Edible flowers can be added to virtually any salad dish, here is how we made ours:


  • Edible flowers – pansies, calendula, nasturtium, anise hyssop, marigold and borage are flowers that work well
  • Baby greens
  • Sugar snap peas
  • Asparagus spears
  • Radishes - we used two kinds: traditional radishes and watermelon radishes


  • Gentry rinse the baby greens and other vegetables.
  • Trim the woody side of the asparagus and poach them – add to boiling water for approximately 3 minutes and then transfer to an ice water bath.
  • Shave the radishes so the slices are very thin – we recommend using a mandolin.
  • Clean the edible flowers as-needed. The smaller flowers should remain whole while larger flowers like marigold or calendula can be separated into petals.
  • Lightly dress the greens separately with your favorite dressing – we used a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and minced shallot. Then, gently mix the vegetables in a large bowl or separately on plates before adding edible flowers to the top.